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Attribution d’une bourse de recherche, édition 2024

10 septembre - 15 septembre

Vous êtes chercheur dans le domaine des maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin ?
Alors posez votre candidature pour notre bourse de recherche !

Research Grant IBD Patient Associations: Crohn-RCUH and CCV

Dear members,

Starting this year, the patient associations Crohn-RCUH and CCV will award a joint research grant in the field of IBD.  The purpose of this grant is to increase physicians’ knowledge in the field of chronic inflammatory bowel disease and support scientific research in this field.


The Grant

The grant is 3.000 euro is made available annually with the first installment of 1.500 euro awarded upon completion of the research project.

The research must be completed within 2 years of the grant being awarded. Only when the final results are submitted will the second installment of 1.500 euro be awarded. If the final result cannot be submitted, the first installment can be reclaimed. It must be a well-defined, original, clinical scientific research project. The candidate will carry out this research at his institution or abroad, in a centre with a particular reputation for research in the field of inflammatory bowel diseases.

You can download the requirements for this grant via the announcement here.


Doctors of medicine or researchers in the field of IBD must submit their application by 15 September 2024.

Send the following documents in English via mail to the board of the two organisations for patients below:
CCV-vzw: lynn.debrun@gmail.com
Asbl Crohn RCUH: franckatleen@gmail.com

  1. Curriculum Vitae of the candidate
  2. Research project presentation: 2 A4 pages.
    Situation of the research proposal, clearly stated objectives, a defined methodology and delineated research period.

Review and Award

Projects are reviewed anonymously by a review committee appointed for this purpose by the patient organisations. They assess the research proposals for their strictly scientific and original value.

The awarded project will be announced on National IBD Day on 22 October 2024 via their social media channels and website. The winner will be expected to provide a photo and write an article about his/her research in Dutch and French for the magazine ‘Crohniek’ / ‘Crohnique’, which is aimed at patients and their environments.

This award will also be presented to the winner at the end of the first day of the BIRD Congress, on 15 November at the Mix.